

Sometimes I wonder why I made the decision to keep transitioning this account rather than ever make a new one. Why this chronic illness and MECFS advocacy account also contains pictures of me at Skywalker Sound or the San Francisco Symphony. Food porn from cooking or vacation photos from Hawaii or this shot from New Zealand in Hobbiton. I guess the reason is to remind you all. To remind you that I am speaking from the ghost of a person who was.

The ghost of someone blissfully unaware of my future.

The ghost of someone with friends, family, travels, blessing, first world problems of the utmost triviality, hobbies, ambitions, jobs and loves.

That person is dead now.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis killed the me that was. But by keeping this account continuous you can see. You can see me slowly disappear. You can see that there was a regular person here just like any of you. Someone who had a regular life (okay let's be fair a bit of an incredible super high flying privileged life) until one day I didn't.

My memories are your lives. My memories are my reminder to you that fighting for the disabled and chronically ill isn't fighting for some unknown distant group it's fighting for a potential future. Your potential future should just a few things go wrong. Or your spouse, or your child, or your best friend.

So please remember those of us with fibromyalgia, ME, CFS, long covid, MS, disability, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and so much more, we were you. Just look back on our accounts and see.


Healthy Childhoods Do Not Invalidate Chronic Illness.


ICC Criteria For MECFS