Tea Party for ME 2022

Happy Blue Sunday 2022 💙 Thank you so much to my awesome Lin family for pulling together an epic last minute Tea Party for ME. 

So often awareness for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis aka MECFS can be incredibly depressing. As is understandable considering it is a severe, underfunded, underdiagnosed and untreatable chronic illness affecting millions missing. See comment for more info.

But while Blue Sunday does raise awareness, it is a party and a celebration. It is a reminder of the little bits of good left in our lives. Whether that be good food and good company, enjoying a garden, a time to remember those who love us, or even just a day of solidarity to remind us that we are not alone. 

Despite a Mast Cell reaction causing me to be unable to enjoy cake or tea, my loved ones made this day so lovely and it was such a joy to be able to see and talk to everyone after over a year of being too sick for even a virtual tea party. I am reminded of my privilege at receiving IVIG for Behcet's giving me a chance at improvement so hard for those with severe ME to come by. 

Thanks so much to @johnnylin1999 @margaretlin81 @nicolekalei@diana.shak.9 @ackie.l and @lincroftyali for attending and making it such a fun occasion! I love you all and can't wait to eventually see you in person again. Thanks to my dad and husband for all their work and creativity in setting up my tea party in bed and even coming up with an MCAS safe tea sandwich for me to enjoy 💙

And of course a massive shoutout and thank you to Anna @teapartyform.e for creating this incredible event. A reminder to use the link in her bio to donate if you haven't yet! This was my first Blue Sunday and I look forward to many more to come! 



Behcet’s Vasculitis Awareness


Sammy Lincroft, Missing Since 2019 with MECFS